What a sappy post this is!

The shape
of the rock
is up to you.
(There is a girl in Alaska
who only likes flat rocks.
Don't ask me why.
I like them lumpy.)
The thing to remember
about shapes
is this:
Any rock
looks good
with a hundred other rocks
around it on a hill.
if your rock
is going to be special
it should look good
by itself
in the bathtub.

is this--
Go outside
and face the east
and greet the sun
with some kind of
or chant
or song
that you made yourself
and keep for early morning.
The way to make the song is this--
Don't try to think
what words to use
you're standing there

in charge.
I choose
my own.
Last year
I gave myself
one hundred and eight
besides the ones
that they close school for.
I cannot get by
with only a few.
Friend, I'll tell you
how it works.
I keep a notebook
and I write the date
and then I write about
the celebration.