I Have a Dream by Martin Luther King Jr.
The words that have captivated generations of dreamers and activists are accompanied by Kadir Nelson’s lush illustrations. The "I Have a Dream" speech is as moving and powerful now as ever before.

Martin's Big Words: The Life of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. by Doreen Rappaport
Moments in MLK Jr.'s life are paired with big words that helped shape his belief that he shared with others. Bryan Collier's beautiful collage illustrations add to the appeal of this picture book as well as insightful author and illustrator's notes and a brief timeline.

Who Was Martin Luther King, Jr.? by Bonnie Bader
The Who Was...? series continues to impress with their accessible and informative biographies. Readers will not only learn about his life, but also how much he fought against hate and injustice through love and nonviolence.

What Was the March on Washington? by Kathleen Krull
An absolutely inspiring read that's a must-have for any library.
It introduces readers to this important event in American history. Includes details about the actual program and some of the speeches that were made culminating to the most famous speech of that day.

Martin's Dream Day by Kitty Kelley
Biographer Kitty Kelley offers background information on the March on Washington with a focus on Martin Luther King, Jr.'s speech. What makes this unique from other picture books is that it uses Stanley Tretick's photographs of that iconic day.
Come and help us decorate quilts to be sewn by our friends at Project Linus and then donated to comfort children in need. What a perfect way to help our community on this day of service! Free!