Are you ready for an Egg Hunt?

Thanks for everyone's enthusiasm!
As Easter quickly approaches, so do our Easter Egg Hunts! Green Bean Books is partnering with the scrumptious Candy Babel, Thicket Garden Center and Umpqua Bank to host two glorious Easter Egg Hunts on Easter morning, April 5th. The first hunt will be for ages 0-4 at 11am, and
the second will be for ages 5-9 at 12pm. A
super egg-citing egg race will follow the hunts
for the older kids! And did we mention there will
be a story time reading of our favorite Easter books at 11:30am in between hunts?

Phew! That's a lot of Easter fun packed into one day! . . . But wait - there's even more! You get the chance to pet a real live bunny rabbit and talk with a rabbit expert! And don't forget to create your own chick face mask to take home. With all these activities, you must call (503) 954-2354 to register way ahead of time because spaces for the hunt fill fast!

This year is extra special because we are having two more
Easter Egg Hunts for older kids! Join us at Thicket
Garden Center in the evening for two more egg hunts with
glow-in-the-dark eggs! The first will be for ages 9-14 at 6:30pm, and the second for ages 14-20 at 7:30pm. Be sure to register ahead at Thicket for these hunts too by calling (503) 926-3817.
There's still room in our evening hunts!