Bob Graham's new book A Bus Called Heaven is an inspiring story about turning trash to treasure, community organizing, and standing up for what you believe in! This book stars a stellar little activist named Stella and is set in a colorful, real-life neighborhood! She and her friends and family work together to turn an abandoned bus into a place where folks can take a load off, play fussball, dance, or do homework in good company!
We've been thinking a lot about community-building and grass roots efforts here at Green Bean Books! We've recently been awarded a grant through our local development commission to fund 75% of an amazing project to build an open air fort for our garden.
We have created an indiegogo campaign in hopes of funding the final 25%, which amounts to approximately $10,000. If we reach our goal, Green Bean's garden will serve as a year-round, all-weather fort for our children's programming, art advocacy, as well as a place for families and friends to read away any afternoon!
We are passionate about doing our little part to prevent the demise of independent bookstores and by exposing children to the joyful experience of touching, feeling and turning actual pages in a fun and curiosity-provoking setting. We really appreciate your help in fulfilling this mission!
- Stone Soup
- A Sick Day for Amos McGee
- Madlenka
- The Bicycle Man